We see in the news more regularly extreme storms and weather episodes that wreak havoc and cause millions of dollars in flood damage. You might think you’re at low to no risk of basement flooding, but what does the data say?
Let’s look at the areas of the country prone to flooding and how you can prepare yourself to deal with it.
How to Measure Flood Risk
According to a report published by fema.gov,
A flood hazard is the potential for inundation that involves risk to life, health, and natural floodplain resources and functions. It is comprised of three elements: severity (magnitude, duration, and extent of flooding), probability of occurrence, and speed of onset of flooding.
To identify potential areas of risk, one must look at the area’s flood maps that detail land and flood risk level. Floodsmart.gov states that “everyone lives in an area with some flood risk — it’s just a question of whether you live in a high-risk or low-risk or moderate-risk area.
One problem to remember is that many researchers claim that current flood maps are incorrect and that the number of floods that occur in particular areas doesn’t line up with the estimated risk. For example, according to groundworks.com,
Estimates show that 66 to 80 percent of annual flood losses occurs outside of special hazard zones.
So, while everyone lives in a home that could be affected by a flood, what cities are more likely to get hit?
States With High Flood Risk
Although flood maps and models are flawed, we can still figure out which cities are problematic. National Flood Services lists the following areas as the worst in terms of flooding:
North Carolina
District of Columbia
South Carolina
New Jersey
As mentioned, even if you’re not in a high-risk flood zone, it doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods. Any home can experience flooding, those that are in what’s considered low-risk flood areas. Data suggests that the average homeowner is five times more likely to suffer a home flood than a fire over the next 30 years.
Home flooding doesn’t always occur because of a storm; it can be caused by broken pipes, poor drainage, clogged rain gutters, a failed water heater, foundation damage, or a break in a municipal water line.
Remember, too, that the average homeowner’s insurance policy doesn’t cover flood damage. People living in low-risk flood areas often pay out of pocket to repair flood damage and clean up.
What’s the Average Cost of Home Flood Damage?
While we can’t put a price on losing valuable family heirlooms or prized possessions to a flood, we can provide the average cost of repairing damage and cleaning up after a flood. The average cost to repair a flooded home ranges between $2,000 and $8,000. Those figures can go higher depending on the severity, but let’s break down the most common expenses stemming from a flood.
Drywall Replacement
Most of your home’s walls and ceilings are made from drywall, which becomes saturated during a flood and requires replacement. Because drywall is porous and absorbs water quickly, you must remove and replace all the affected areas, or you risk mold growth, which can occur in as little as 48 hours.
Mold thrives in moist areas, and nothing gives mold what it needs to spread more than a flood. As mentioned, mold begins growing in as little as 48 hours, so if your home suffered a flood, chances are you’ll have to pay for mold remediation.
Besides drywall, floors suffer the most water damage during a flood, and there’s no way to fix it once it accumulates standing water — you must replace it regardless of the material. Like drywall, replacing floors can be expensive, depending on how many square feet are affected.
If the doors in your house are made from wood, you must replace them after a flood or risk permanent damage from wood rot.
Did your basement flood because of a failed water heater or burst pipe? If so, you can expect to pay hefty fees to a plumber to repair the damage or replace the hardware if needed.
How The EnduraFlood™ Flood Proof Basement Wall System Reduces Flood Cleanup Time & Costs
While there’s nothing you can do to stop a flood, you can protect your home from the damage by installing the EnduraFlood wall paneling system in rooms that are most prone to flood damage, such as the basement. EnduraFlood replaces the drywall from the floor up several feet (typically the part you’ll replace after a flood.)
EnduraFlood panels are constructed of durable cement and can withstand submersion and whatever bump, bang, and scuff your kids can dish out. What makes our wall system unique is that they’re reusable. The convenient snap-in fittings make removing and replacing a breeze if you need to take them down and let the area behind it dry out after a flood.
Finally, while some wall paneling systems are functional, they look utilitarian and lack style. EnduraFlood wall panels are molded after traditional wainscoting, so you get a stunning, contemporary appearance that will complement any decor that adds value and protection to your home.