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EnduraFlood ENDU-KOARD 48" x 33"

This ENDU-BOARD is 48" wide and 33" tall, and it is made for an installation with a 36" horizontal trim height. 1/4"-wide grooves with 6" spacing make the board a great fit for a wainscoting-style installation.

Recommended to be combined with RAILI-HOLD/12 and CHAIR-RAIL/A for a most elegant look.


ENDU-BOARD is a strong, durable and lightweight panel board specifically manufactured for EnduraFlood installations from an inorganic plastic polymer which can also be found as a component in other building and construction products such as window profiles, flooring, pipes, cables, and roofing.

ENDU-BOARD can be cut easily with hand tools such as utility knives, and it can be painted using common Acrylic paint.

ENDU-BOARD is 100% waterproof and does not change its properties due to exposure to water.

EnduraFlood ENDU-KOARD 48" x 33"

SKU: EK4833
  • Installation

    ENDU-BOARD can easily be cut using a sharp construction knife, or other common cutting tools, such as circular saws or table saws. ENDU-BOARD can be pre-painted before installation, or after installation (use painters tape to tape off trim if painting after installation).

  • Important Information

    Due to continuing improvements, actual product may differ slightly from images, drawings, and descriptions.

  • Shipping Information

    Due to the product size, a $150 shipping charge will be added to the order if this product is selected.

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