After Ian, I installed Endura Boards throughout my house, Helene and Milton separately inundated my house with 1 1/2 feet of water. Endura boards did great and ensured I didn’t have a huge mold problem. I am now removing boards, cleaning them and reinstalling. I am very thankful this product exists.

ya know one thing that is essy to forget when they talk about replacing Sheetrock at the bottom is how they have to repaint the whole wall. Like all the mess with the dust and wet Sheetrock and the constant in and out are not enough… When this nightmare is done all the photos come off the wall, the TV and everything. Then you have another crew in the house for days painting all the walls because just painting the bottom would never blend in. I think for our house the painting alone would cost thousands! I think your photos really show this well, the panels are off but the photos are still on the wall! I think that alone is brilliant. 🙏
Nice!!! I saw the video. I am SO glad we put this in. Looks trick and such an improvement on the house. You said it right, now a flood is a survivable event! 👍💪
I'm so sorry to hear about your re-flood. Question - Did you paint your panels or trim? Thanks!
Looks like a quality installation! Great job and thank you for sharing your feedback with everyone! We have had similar feedback from a customer where we installed it in their basement. C