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How it Works
What is EnduraFlood?EnduraFlood is the floodproof drywall system for homes in floodprone areas! All components are 100% waterproof, and your wall can now be opened easily, so you can dry it out. And the installation is easy!
How do I select EnduraFlood components for my project?We always recommend using our Project Estimator which will create a recommended material list for you. If you want to create the list yourself, it is as easy as 1-2-3. First, select the right panel you would like, then the Horizontal Trim, and then pick the Fasteners according to your project. Thats it. For more information, click here.
Who performs the EnduraFlood installation?EnduraFlood can be installed by any contractor, and by home owners with some DIY experience. To locate an approved contractor in your area, visit
How does EnduraFlood help prevent mold growth in my wall?EnduraFlood is made of 100% inorganic materials, and it is removable. So, you can easily open the wall to let it dry out. Put the same panels back in, and you are done!
Can EnduraFlood be used with a 5/8" drywall?Yes, EnduraFlood can be installed with a 5/8" drywall above. Use HORI-TRIM/58 for the vertical separation between the drywall, and UNI-TRIM for the horizontal separation between the panels as always.
My walls are still closed. I don't know what I will find after I open the drywall. How sure can I be that EnduraFlood can be installed?Most interior walls of residential homes in the US are built with 2x4 or 2x6 wooden frame walls, and with 1/2" drywall. Some homes have 5/8" drywall, and some may have a metal frame with metal studs. Light commercial properties, like retail and office buildings are more likely to have metal studs. You can use the EnduraFlood System in any of these cases. If your wall is still closed, we recommend opening it in an inconspicuous area to inspect, before ordering your parts.
I love the idea of EnduraFlood, but I am not very handy. Where can I find an EnduraFlood installer?At this point, EnduraFlood does not offer any licensing or approval program for contractors. Generally speaking, any contractor or company that installs conventional drywall in homes or businesses should be able to perform an EnduraFlood installation quickly and easily. Handymen can also be a great source for installation help. The information on this website and in our installation videos should be sufficient for any contractor to understand how to perform an installation. The material required for the installation can be purchased from our online store by the property owner for installation by the contractor. It can also be purchased by the contractor who adds the material cost to the invoice.
What is your Return Policy?For our Return Policy, please see the link at the bottom of our home page.
Where can I buy EnduraFlood?EnduraFlood components can conveniently be purchased in our secure online shop
How do I calculate what I need?The easiest way to calculate what you need is by using our Project Estimator which creates an estimated material list for you. You can move the material list to your shopping cart, and make any modifications there.
Can I install EnduraFlood on metal studs?Yes, EnduraFlood can be installed on metal studs. Use EnduraFlood UNI-RIVET to mount trim pieces onto metal studs. Predrill pilot holes using a 3/32" drill bit. Then mount the trim using a Rivert Tool for 3/32" rivets.
Which fasteners should I use with for my installationAn EnduraFlood installation is very easy with the right fasteners. The following table shows which fastener should be used with which trim fitting on which type of stud.
I am an experienced contractor and would like to become a licensed EnduraFlood installer. How can I apply?Great. We welcome professional contractors to join our EnduraFlood Approved Contractor Program! Membership in the program offers a list of wonderful benefits! Please apply for membership here
Your product names are funny. What do they mean?Funny you should mention! :) Our product names are created in a way that they are memorable and meaningful. This way, it's easier to memorize them. Here are the basics to understanding the most popular products. EnduraFlood UNI-TRIM This is a PVC ribbon trim that can be used as horizontal trim on 1/2" drywall installations, as well as vertical trim between panels on any installation. Hence, its universal, and so its called UNI-TRIM EnduraFlood MUNI-TRIM This is the same as UNI-TRIM, except its made from metal (aluminum to be precise). We added the M for metal, so its MUNI-TRIM EnduraFlood HORI-COR/I This product is used for horizontal (HOR) corners (COR), more specifically for inside (/I)corners. EnduraFlood HORI-COR/O Knowing that HORI-COR/I is used for inside corner, it is easy to conclude (and remember) that HORI-COR/O is use for outside corners. EnduraFlood UNI-BASE For every EnduraFlood installation, we use the same baseboard trim. It is universal, hence it is called UNI-TRIM. EnduraFlood RAILI-HOLD/12 When mounting chair rail trim (like CHAIR-RAIL/A), we need to first mount a trim that holds the chair rail. So, we call is RAILI-HOLD. Since this one fits on a 1/2" drywall, we call is RAILI-HOLD/12 Have more questions about our product names? Using the above as guide and inspiration, we are sure you can come up with their meaning. Give it a try!
I see references to different panels and materials. Which should I use?There are two type of boards that can be used for an EnduraFlood installation: ENDU-BOARD and 0.42 cement boards. ENDU-BOARDs are lightweight, smooth panels that are sold and shipped by EnduraFlood in two sizes: 48" wide x 21" high (ENDU-BOARD/24, for a 24"-high trim installation), and 48" wide x 33" high (ENDU-BOARD/36, for a 36"-high trim installation). ENDU-BOARD is easy to cut with a sharp utility or other knife, and they are waterproof. ENDU-BOARD can be painted with common interior acrylic paint. After they are painted, they have a similar texture as commonly available drywall. Cement panels with a 42" thickness can be purchased at most home improvement stores. They usually come in 3ft x 5ft sizes. While EnduraFlood can't guarantee the suitability of products made by 3rd party vendors, successful installations have used these boards and also these. Cement boards are heavier than ENDU-BOARDs, and they are harder to cut, especially for the DIY installer. They are usually available locally, and they provide a wonderful texture when painted. Without painting, they also can be used for an "industrial chique" look. Both types of boards can be used to create stunning results.
Your videos show you are using some special tools. Where can I purchase these tools?All of the tools used in our videos are standard tools that can be purchased at your favorite home improvement center or online. While we do not recommend one brand over another, here are some useful links to purchase tools online. Some manufacturers change their models, the specifications, or they may discontinue them altogether. We do not guarantee that these tools will be what you need, nor do we make any other claim. It will be your responsibility to verify the tools for their use, and you are also responsible to follow all tool manufacturer instructions regarding their safe use. Reference Links: Cordless Power Drill 3/8" Electric Staple Gun Rivet Tool ......
You mention that the panels should always start 3" from the floor. Why is that?When water enters your home, its not always in the dramatic ways of a flood. Sometimes, there may be a new crack in the foundation wall, and water seeps in, forming just a puddle on the floor. In other cases, water just entered a portion of the floor, and it is unknown how far it actually traveled into the house. In such and similar cases, it may be helpful to inspect the wall without the removal of the panels. By leaving a 3" gaps at the bottom of the EnduraFlood wall panels, the system provides easy access to test for moisture in the wall. Since the wall bottom plate is usually 1-1/2" high, there is a 1-1/2" gap that allows for a quick and simple inspection. Simply remove the EnduraFlood UNI-BASE baseboard molding, then use a flash light or moisture meter to check for water at the bottom of the frame.
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